Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This is the first entry in what I hope will become the primary site for information sharing concerning the tummy tuck procedure. I encourage anyone with questions, concerns, or information regarding tummy tuck to post here.

The tummy tuck procedure can be a wonderful way to rejuvenate the appearance of the abdomen. In the words of one of my mentors, the tummy tuck procedure can "thin, tighten, and flatten" the shape and contour of the abdomen. Since every patient and abdomen is different, a unique tummy tuck technique must be selected to deliver the best result possible.

Recently released, The Atlas of Abdominoplasty, is a comprehensive plastic surgery textbook on the tummy tuck and the related body contouring procedures. It is 15 chapters and covers all of the different tummy tuck techniques. In addition to sharing information and answering questions I will periodically post the details about each unique type of tummy tuck procedure, the ideal candidate, the recovery process, as well as some of the pros and cons associated with each procedure.

All the best,