Breast Augmentation Revision
Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed both in the United States as well as worldwide. We have discussed the specifics of breast augmentation in previous blog entries including types of implants available, incision location options, and whether the implants are placed on top of the muscle or below the muscle. With so many breast augmentation procedures being performed and the number of variables involved as mentioned above, it is not unreasonable to expect some breast augmentation procedures to require or benefit from revision surgery.
What is breast augmentation revision?
In general, a revision procedure is a procedure designed to improve or correct an undesirable characteristic of the initial procedure. Therefore, breast augmentation revision is repair or correction of any of the unfavorable characteristics that may be seen following breast augmentation. These may include:
1) Implant related problems of breast augmentation:
a) implant too big
b) implant too small
c) implants not the ideal size difference for symmetry
d) implant diameter too small
e) implant diameter too big
f) implant projection too small
g) implant projection too big
h) desire for silicone instead of saline (and vice versa)
2) Breast pocket related problems of breast augmentation
i) breast pocket too wide on the side (aka laterally, this is most common).
j) breast pocket too wide near the cleavage causing either too much cleavage or symmastia (inner breast borders touch)
k) breast fold too low
l) breast fold too high
m) breast fold shape not ideal
n) upper breast pocket dissected to much (breast implant migrates toward the clavicle when laying down)
o) breast pockets not symmetric
3) Breast tissue problems with breast augmentation
p) breast tissue too thin and implant visibility or palpability is an issue
q) animation. Breasts move too much when pectoralis muscle is flexed
r) capsule contracture. The capsule around the breast is excessively thick resulting in firm and/or painful breasts.
Over the next few weeks I will cover the breast augmentation revision procedures involved in every one of the breast augmentation revision problems listed above. I will designate the topic by name as well as its corresponding number-letter combination, i.e. 3p-Breast tissue too thin.
All the best,
Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ